
Chase Man

Chase's Links:
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Noah & Jaidyn

About Chase
Born: 6 -20-03
Age: 2 Years
25 lbs
36 inches
Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister.
Dislikes: being told no.

Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.


2003-06-09 ~ 7:29 a.m.

37 weeks

37 weeks today! Full Term! :) YAY

Between now and 21 days from now, I will probably be having a baby! Amazing yes???

Now that was my happy news. Not happy news is I am really getting tired of being pregnant. I know, I know, I have loved this pregnancy. I love being pregnant most of the time too, but come on after 37 weeks I have a right to be tired of it yes??

I am not tired of having Chase move inside of me, or of having him grow inside of me. I am tired of the back ahces, peeing every 5 minutes, not being able to go potty though I feel like I have to, not being able to play with the kids they way I am used to, not sleeping because I am not comfortable at night, heartburn every time I eat, etc

Yes the list is a lot longer then it used to be! I am just ready to hold my little guy. Look at his cute little baby face, counting his cute little fingers and toes. See if he has his daddy's eyes like the other two, and all those things. How will my kiddos react to him? How big will he be?? Will he really be a he?? lol You know I am just ready for all of that now.

I just want my baby!!

I am getting restless because its so close yet I have no idea when he will come, you know?? Plus after my m/c and then getting pregnant again, I feel like I have been pregnant way longer then I have since I only had 2.5 months between our loss and this pregnancy. And to top it off, it was this time last year when I was pregnant with my angel baby. July 1st of last year I found out we lost our angel, July 2nd I had to have surgery since my body wasn't letting go of our angel. I hate those dates getting closer. They make me sad, they make me worry more aobut something going wrong with this pregnancy. I just want to hold this baby, to know he is okay and healthy and mine.

I just want to feel normal again! ugh No big bellys, being able to do more with the kids again, no more mood swings, losing patience with the kids over things I normally wouldn't.

Sigh... Okay I will stop really. I hate to whine because I hate hearing others whine, and I know I am so blessed to be carring this baby, when others never get to carry a child, but today I feel selfish.

The mood will pass I am sure! The good news is I am 37 weeks and Chase can come anytime now! :) I can't wait of course!

I am working on the new layout for this diary for when it changes from my pregnancy journal to his baby diary. I figure if I have it all put together when he is born I can put it up easily with the entry that says he is here and all that fun stuff ya know??

No real contractions for me lately, no real signs that labor could come any minute, but then again there weren't any signs before my other two either, so who knows right??

Anyway someone sign the guestbook today and let me know you guys are reading. I just need a pick me up today I think.

I will try and post later a belly pic from today and be in a better mood okay?>?

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