2003-06-26 ~ 7:03 p.m.
6 days old & Pictures
My baby is 6 days old! 6 days ALREADY! He will be a week old tomorrow!! WOW a week already?? Dang it goes fast!!
He is doing wonderful. He sleeps good 3-5 hour stretches when he sleeps and he nurses well! We had a day and a night where he had trouble but he is doing well agian with it! Last night I wasn't up much with him and when he was it wasn't for long, just to eat and then sleep again!
He is bad at night about wanting me to hold him the whole time he is sleeping!! I don't mind really. I love holding him and wow he is only 6 days old right??
He and Jaidyn are asleep on the couch now. Noah is playing with his cousins. They will be leaving tomorrow, so Noah is enjoying it! They have been soooo good, the kids that is!
Here are some pictures for you: (sorry if it takes awhile for page to load, I didn't resize the pictures to too small!
My cutie at 4 days old
In boppy pillow
Yes in same outfit as the day before but it had been washed and I didn't dress him! lol
6 days old (today) with my neohews Nick (8) and Zach (6)
With my nephew Jonathon this morning (who will be 14 on the 29th)
Just looking around earlier today
Getting mad
Sleeping on couch, with Jaidyn on the other end (taken a few minutes ago!)
Covering ears while sleeping (also taken a minute ago)
Anyway Chase is wonderful and I so love being a mommy to him and my other two!! They are so cute and sweet! :) My mom and sister leave tomorrow and they will leave before Brian gets off work so I am a little worried about my first half a day alone with the kids! Wish me luck tomorrow
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