2003-06-27 ~ 2:41 p.m.
My 1 week old!
Okay I told you I would send pics so I am going to! :)
First off today has gone really well actually! He slept from about 7:30 this morning until almost 11 when Jaidyn woke him up! lol My mom and sister left at 10 so I spent sometime with just my older two and that was nice!! Alkso got the baby's clothes washed!
He was up from almost 11 until a bit ago. He kept falling to sleep but when I laid him down he would wake up. He is finally sleeping wihtout me for a minute!! Jaidyn is napping, she went down without much of a problem. Noah is watching cartoons, which he hasn't gone much of lately!
Brian should be home around 4:15 or so, so not much longer on my own! Its been fairly easy! There were a couple times when the baby was nursing, Jaidyn needed a drink and Noah got mad about something where I was a little out of it on how to do everything at once, but I made it through it.
Did I tell you my hair got cut?? Its short. Shorter then I wanted it. I don't think I like it but I don't know yet. I just have to see if I can get used to it you know??
He is a week old! WOW last week at this time I had a very very new baby. Not even a day old and now he is a week old already, and all in all I should techically still be pregnant since I wasn't due until Monday (june 30th)
He is doing wonderful and so alert and everything! I love watching him nurse and sleep. He looks so sweet and peaciful! He is my little Chase Man that is for sure.
His cord stump is loss on one side, so I figure it will fall off in the next day or so! Whaaa, just another sign that he is getting bigger already! :(
Okay here are the pictuires I promised:

Both of the two above were taken when I was changing his clothes this morning and he was laying on the bed next to Jaidyn!

In his Carters Froggy Outfit (yes we have several frog outfits! lol)

With his little hat (or should I say BIG hat for his head) on.

Close up of my Chase Man at a week old! :)
Anyway I am going to make a phone call, and then sit down and rest some while I can! I am tired! :)
(Oh and I am down about 19 lbs since I gave birth a week ago! YAY)
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