2003-07-03 ~ 3:35 p.m.
Great Day & Pics of course!
Today has been a great great day! Chase is staying up more during the day, and after sleeping well last night it makes things easy!
I got the house cleaned! I am talking dusting, mopping, sweeping and vaccuming (which Chase can sleep through) He has take 2 naps today. He is actually sleeping right now for one of them!
This morning he slept from 10:30 until almost 1 and then was up until about 2:45 and has been asleep since! YAY :)
Anyway picture time, because I was posing my little man today! :) hehe I love taking pictures of him and my other two munchkins! I need to add pictures of my other two to their web pages or my other dairy because I don't want them to think I forgot about them! I have taken as many of them as I have Chase lately! lol
Anyway pictures, the first ones are of him laying on his tummy on my bed! look at my 13 day old trying to hold that head up:

Here are some of him laying in or on his boppy pillow:

Isn't he adorable??? Yep he is!! Tonight he will get his second bath! YAY I am waiting until tonight so Brian can be here for his bath! Brian loves to see and watch their first as much as I do and he said something yesterday about having missed Chase's first bath!! :)
Anyway Chase is wonderful. I know he has already grown and that amazes me!! How can they grow so much in such a little time??
Anyway tomorrow Chase will be 2 weeks old and it will be his first HOLIDAY!! lol I have no idea what we are doing tomorrow though! I should have bought him and the kids USA shirts like we normal do but I didn't get to this year :(
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