2003-07-04 ~ 9:21 a.m.
2 weeks old!
Chase is 2 weeks old today! 14 days! WOW.
He didn't sleep well last night. He was up a lot!! Oh well I am tired but atleast Brian is home with us today!
No real plans for today. We will figure out something I guess.
Anyway Chase didn't sleep good so he and I ended up sleeping on the couch all night long! Really uncomfortable but that is okay! Atleast I got some sleep by staying there. He didn't want to nurse in bed, and sitting up in the recliner I was uncomfortable so the couch it was!!
Anyway wow he is 2 weeks old already! Getting too big too quick you know??
Speaking of little man he is starting to wake up so I am going to go get him, he is probably hungry (he is still sleeping on the couch)
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