2003-07-11 ~ 10:28 a.m.
3 weeks old & No sleep
I love my husband, I do, I do! Why you ask?? Because last night Chase went to sleep around 10:45 or so but he didn't stay asleep long at all before waking up (he was up again by midnight) and he was super fussy and up until like 2:30 crying and just not ahppy! He didn't want to nurse, didn't want to be rocked, walked or anything.
During all this Jaidyn woke up screaming so Brian went and quieted her down and then he came took Chase and told me to go to bed. By 3:30 he was back in bed and Chase was asleep!! I am thinking Chase jsut got tired of me! lol
Anyway Chase slept until 6:30 nursed for avbout 10 minutes and then slept until almost 9 and now at 10:30 he is back to sleep!! He is as worn out as I am! lol
But Brian saved me because Jaidyn and Chase were both up on and off ALL night!
Today Chase is 3 weeks old! Can you believe that?? 3 weeks old already! WOW it goes too fast!
He is doing pretty good this morning, just sleeping and eating not fussy
Here are a couple pictures from yesterday:

Kind of smile


Sitting in boppy
See his froggy shoes?? They are WAY too big! lol
Anyway we have company coming up this afternoon and going to hot air balloon races and such tomorrow. So busy busy again yes??
Oh and again congrats to Shannon (link to her is in the prev entry written at like 1:30 am! lol) on her little girl!!
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