2003-08-01 ~ 9:29 a.m.
6 weeks and pictures
Okay I have a minute to write while Chase is laying on the floor looking at the ceilling fan! lol
Anyway Chase man is 6 weeks old today! 6 weeks! Can you believe it?? I can't at all! WOW
He is lifting his head up more and holding it up longer amounts of time when held or on his tummy! He is starting to coo now, and smiles more readily!!
Its so cute to watch him changing. He is filling out so much and looks so cute with a little more meat on his bones! lol I would guess he was around 10 lbs now!! That is jsut a guess though, we will see in 2 weeks what he weighs at the dr though! :)
Okay of course you know its picture time since he ius 6 weeks right??? lol
Laying in his boppy this morning

Smiling in my launrdy basket! lol
Noah, Jaidyn and Chase. My 3 babies! :)
Lifting his head in both of those! :)
Just laying on the couch

Sitting on the couch before getting dressed!

You can kind of tell he is smiling here. This was taken yesterday or the day before of Chase smiling at Brian
And because it was a cute picture here is one of Noah and Jaidyn with carebears on their heads! lol
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