2003-08-15 ~ 11:59 a.m.
8 weeks!!!
TOday he is 8 weeks old~ 8 weeks everyone! :) WoW its going soooo fast.
He coos and smiles all the time now! He loves sitting with Brian after he has nursed and just will smile and coo away in the afternoons! Soooo cute!
8 weeks wow!
Of course with a new week brings new pictures yes! lol
These first 3 were taken yesterday of Jaidyn giving him a kiss. I got these by chance because I didn't tell her to kiss him she just did! lol and one of them is just of Chase grabing her finger

Okay and these pictures were all taken just a bit ago! :)

All three kiddos this morning!

My boys! :)

Chase man! :)

Holding up his head! :)

My Jaidyn girl. Isn't she pretty???

Handsome man Noah! :)
I had to add a couple of them because some of you here don't go to my other diary and I thought you might want to see the kids!
I have Chase is 3-6 month clothes today because I was trying them on him, but they are HUGE on him! I mean HUGE!! His 0-3 month onesies are getting tight and the 3-6 month onesies fit, but the 3-6 month clothes are just HUGE still. Oh well atleast I have some stuff for in a month or so when he is in them right???
Happy 8 weeks my Chase Man!
Oh and edited to add, yes that is a spot on his shirt where he spit up a tiny bit right before I was going to take his picture, so I took the pictures then changed him! lol :)
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