2003-09-10 ~ 6:35 a.m.
don't like the thought
Chase man is doing well. He didn't nap yesterday at all until about 5 pm and then slept until 7:30 when I had to wake him up because I knew I wanted some sleep last night. Surprisingly enough he went to sleep at 10 pm with me and slept until 4:30 when he woke u to nurse and then woke up again a ltitle before 6. He sleeps so well at night, but never very well during the day!
I am nervous today becuase I am laving him with my sister who is watching him and Jaidyn for about 30 minutes this morning wh9le I help out at Noah's school for a bit. I don't like the thought of leaving him at all. I did pump a little milk and he will probably sleep through me being gone, but still I don't even like the thought of him waking up and wanting me and me not being here... sigh...
I know I know he will be fine! :)
I need to go a few more things to do this morning before getting Noah up for school and since all the kids are asleep still now is the time to do things! :)
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