2003-09-18 ~ 12:20 p.m.
not much
Thanks for the comments about the pictures Elisha and Kristy (or kristi sorry I don't remember how it is spelled, I am awful sorry). Elisha my sister got him the carbear sleeper. We actually have two of them she got him, I am not sure where she got them, but I will ask! :)
Sorry I haven't wrote much lately! Just not a lot to say really. You already know I adore him, you already know he is adorable form the pictures I send, and he really isn't doing anything new right now, thus just not a lot to say without repeating myself over and over again! :)
He did have a bad night last night from 7:30-9:30 he was CRANKY CRANKY CRANKY! He screamed and cried and nothing helped. He refused to nurse, he didn't have gas becuase he wasn't having his normal gassy things he does when he does have gas. SO I am not sure what was wrong. I walked him, rocked him and did everything I could think of. He finally went to sleep and slept in my arms for 20 minutes and then he nursed just fine and went to sleep for the night. He has been wonderful all day today, so yeah I don't know what was up with him.
He is napping now! Actually Jaidyn is too so I am going to go and take a shower in peace! :)
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