2003-09-22 ~ 7:55 a.m.
My 3 months old
So little man turned 3 months old on Saturday! 3 months already!
Its so hard to believe that its been 3 months since I had him, but then again it feels like he has been with us for forever you know??
He doesn't look anything like the little newborn he once was! He has filled out and went from that tiny 6 lbs 6 oz baby to about 14 lbs!! That is a lot of growing!

He smiles and coos all the time! If you do bicycle with his legs he grins and giggles! Its so cute! He smiles when you kiss his neck too! :) Every night before bed Brian and I lay there in bed next to him and talk to him and he coos, smiles, and giggles at us! ITs great bedtime stuff! :)

He likes to lay under his 2 in one toy. It goes down for it to be a tummy toy and it also hangs above his head. He bats at the toys on it. Mostly he bats thigns with his left hand. Maybe he will be a lefty like me since my other two are both clearly right handed like Brian!
He stays more content longer now days. You can lay him on the floor with a couple of little toys and he will look at them and try and get them!
He still loves to be held and carried most often and I don't mind at all! I love my time with him! :)

He still favors me over everyone else, but that is because I am his food source! He is a wonderful nurser. He eats all the time! lol My little piggy! Of course he uses me as a pacifier too I know.
He sleeps wonderful at night. About5-7 hours straight each night and then back to sleep for another 2-4 hours. Then he takes one long nap during the day and a couple cat naps. So not really much napping for the day but tht is okay (his long nap really isn't very long! lol)

He rolls from tummy to back,and has once or twice from back to tummy! :) He always does little mini push ups when on his belly! He holds his head up wonderfully!
He loves taking bathes, and watching tv! lol I noticed this the last couple of nights. He will be tired but not want to nurse to sleep and will getr fussy so I will walk him around the living room with the tv on and I noticed he will watch that tv and in about 10 minutes of walking while he is watching the tv he is sound asleep! Hey it works right??? lol

(watching football with daddy)
Lets see what else can I tell you about him.. He is perfect and wonderful and cute and sweet and I love him soooo much! :)
He likes the car only when he is tired and then he will soleep the whole time. If he is wide awake and wants to play he will scream the whole time he is in the car and carseat!!! That makes picking up Noah after school hard sometimes!!

All the pictures you are seeing were taken yesterday before my stupid camera messed up. BUT the camera is only 6 months old and I believe its still ubnder warrenty so I need to call and find out and get the thing fixed. sigh...
Here are a couple more pictures and then that is it! I can't believe he is 3 months old

(bath time)
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