2003-09-23 ~ 1:00 p.m.
His portraits
I know I know lots of pictures. If you coming here from the link I sent this morning, then go to the entry before this to see pictures I took of Chase yesterday!
And here are the pictures I had done today at Sears!! He did sooooo good. Bad thing is he isn't feeling well at all now. I am going to have to call the dr because he has an awful cough, stuffy nose and everything!

Chase laying ~ I love love love this one

On his belly! This one was a naked baby shot, but I cut off his naked butt. I won't but that on the net!

This is my least favorite but of course it was the first pose so thus the package picture! UGH

I like this one! He stuck out his tongue! hehe! :)

This one is too cute too! I like this one alot too!! Such a big smile

Another Tongue sticking out picture!

He is too cute! :)
Didn't they come out good? These aren't great because they are scanned from the proof sheet but I like them!!
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