2003-09-25 ~ 6:52 a.m.
Chase woke up last ngiht coughing up a storm. Poor baby. He is the sweetest though really!
I will probably be calling the dr for him today. a 3 month old just shouldn't have as bad of a cough as he does.
Brian got home from work late last night and I had the older two in bed already and Chase and I were sitting up. Brian enjoyed spending a little time with Chase before bed. Chase just grins and squills at Brian at night! Its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!
I don't think I will ever get tired of having him sleep with us. I love love love cuddling with him. Sometimes I think its me that needs him to sleep with us more then HE needs to you know??
When I think that he might very well be my last baby I just want to keep him small and baby like for forever. But then I see him roll over, bat at his toys, and start showing me signs that he already at 3 months is growing up and I know that I can't keep him small for forever.
My children at the most wonderful things in my life. All 3 of them. Each ones personality is so different its just neat to watch them all grow and turn into little people...
sigh... Its morning and I am already mushy! hehe Thanks to those who signed the guestbook here. I have more pictures to share here but I figure you guys need atleast a day break yes?? lol
I should go. I have to get Noah up for school. He is getting harder and harder to wake up these days!
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