2003-10-02 ~ 6:55 a.m.
fussy night
Chase had a rough night last night. He went to sleep around 8:30 for what I thought would be pretty much the last time (except for wking to nurse during the night, but we don't wake fully up then) well at 9:30 he woke and it was midnight before he went back to sleep. He was super fussy, crying, not being settled, wouldn't nurse. Finally after taking a break and letting Brian try I walked with him until he was getting close to falling to sleep and then sat in the chair with him. He started showing signs he wanted to nurse so I let him and within about 3 minutes he was out like a light. I have no idea what was going on with him, but when he was worn out he was out! lol
He slept from midnight until 5:30 or so when Brians alarm went off. That tends to wake Chase sometimes. UGH So he nursed for about 15 minutes and went on back to sleep. Sweet sweet boy!
Anyway staying up past 12 with him being fussy and such was tiring!
He is so cute though! He grabs everything! I mean EVErYTHING! lol
Love love love my boy, yes I do. Even when I get no sleep! lol
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