2003-10-06 ~ 6:50 a.m.
Dear Little Man
Dear Chase Man,
You are 15 weeks 3 days already! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by!! I had even forgetten exactly how many weeks your were until I counted it up this morning! I now just think of you as 3 months old. In a short 2 weeks you will be 4 months old already! WOW
You are so happy and smilie most of the time. I love when you wake up and smile at me first thing. You have the cutest little toothless baby smile. Your eyes just light up when you give that big grin!
You love love love to nurse. You don't just nurse because your hungry but because it comforts you. I love holding you close at night and snuggling while you nurse and then we fall to sleep!
You make the cutest and sweetest little baby noises! From sweet little coos to wonderful little giggles!!
You can roll over both ways but you don't do it often. You love laying on the floor watching everything around you and having your play gym hanging over head for you to play with!! You bat your arms at the toys hanging down and will just giggle and "talk".
You are starting to grab at things now. You grab my keyboard wire and pull it towards you now when on my lap! You are so silly!!
Your very very strong too! When leaning back seating you can pull yourslef up because you want to sit up instead of laying back! But of course you are not ready to sit up on your own! Your too little! lol
There is so much more I can tell about you and I could go on and on, but I will stop there for now. You little man have brought me so much more joy then you will ever know. You came to your daddy and I after a time when I felt really low and depressed. You have helped me move on, and made me remember that the plan God has for me isn't always the one I have for me. I wasn't meant to have our angel baby before you, and if I had, I wouldn't have been blessed with you. And even if lossing her was the hardest thing for me to get through, having you is a greater joy.
I love you little man, and your brother and sister more then any of you can even imagine. I show you guys every day from each little hug, kiss, or I love. From ever little moment of everyday that I spend with you guys. The special times I have with Noah in the mornings before you and Jaidyn get up. The time with JAidyn during the day where Noah is at school and you are napping, and my time with you at night before bed.
I savor every moment I enjoy with you guys alone and together! :)
Again I love you little man.
Love Mommy :)
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