2003-10-23 ~ 6:05 a.m.
Chase is getting such a personality! He is starting to show us just who he is! lol SOOOOO CUTE, really!!
I don't know how to explain his personality so here are sonme pictures I took yesterday of him that kind of show you a little of what he is like.

Chase eatting his stuffed frog. This is a very Chase thing. He chews on EVERYTHING.

I just like his expression here! He is full of different expressions and such

Here he is eatting Jaidyn's shirt. Remember I said he chews on everytrhing??? lol

Here he is trying to take Jaidyn's doll from her, to I assume chew on it! lol

I just like the look of his face here

Chase playing with a ball (notice again he is trying to chew on it! lol)

Just a smiling face! This is something you see a lot of when it comes to Chase! Smiles and Laughs

This is him pouting which he does when he gets tired of playing on the floor or something

Here he is looking at his stuffed frog.
Anyway his expressions say so much for him!! He is always happy and smiling. He coos and just over all is content.
Yeah he makes mommy fell like she is doing a good job! :)
Thanks Meg and Alice for your guestbook enties! We think he is a cutie too!
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