2003-11-20 ~ 9:30 p.m.
5 months
Dear Chase Man,
Today you are five months old. Five whole months already... WOW. That is almost half a year old and it seems like just yesterday I was still awaiting your arrival.
You have brought us so much joy and happiness already with your five months here with us. Your sweet smile in the mornings never ceases to make me happy.
You have such a sweet and wonderful personality. Always happy and smiling. Content to play on the floor along for a bit, but wanting mommy near by always.
You love to nurse. And you give these sweet smiles to me while nursing.
You never stay in one place anymore. If I lay you on the floor you can roll both ways, scoot, and turn yourself around. You are all over the place and you can't even crawl yet!! You can sit if I sit up. Not for long but for a few minutes anyway!! You get so mad because you can't get your knees under yourself yet!
You wear size 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes! You are getting so big!!! A lot of your big first holidays are coming up. thanksgiving next week and christmas in a month! So exciting! And so blessed I am to have you here with us this year!!
You have just filled our family and made us more complete. Your brother and sister adore you, as you adore them. Mommy and Daddy both think your the sillest, craziest, sweetest baby ever!!!
We all love you my little Fuzz head! :)
And for your viewing pleasure all pictures taken today of my newly 5 month old Chase Man:
Chase and Daddy Pictures:

Brian hugging Chase

Brian kissing Chase's neck. Chase was laughing even though it looks like he was crying in the picture.

Bri and Chase looking at each other.

Another one of them together that I thought was cute.
Other pictures:

Smiling while I tickled him!

My boy! :)

On Tummy looking at me


Looking up

Smiling and playing with the diaper I was going to put on him, but he took it first! lol

Playing with the diaper again

Cute picture


This is how he scoots!! lol He pushes with his legs, his body comes off the ground, his head on the floor and he moves! lol

Fussy but see how he is trying to get on his knees???

My cutie again...
Thats all for today. Happy 5 months Chase baby. Mommy loves you. Now wait a few minutes and go look at the kids site for pictures of them.
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