2003-11-24 ~ 6:06 a.m.
Thanks for wishing Chase a happy 5 months! :)
Abnd sorry no update in several days! Last week got crazy!!
We went on Saturday and took our first family pictures with Chase! YAY I will share soon as they become available online for me!!
Anyway he is getting so big. He is into everything now that he can roll around easily both days. He scoots and turns himself around. He never stays where I lay him on hte floor anymore and he grabs at everything!!
Its so cute.
He is also starting to lloook at me when I call his name and hold his arms out for me or whoever he wants to hold him.
he did this to Noah yesterday even. We told Noah "He wnts you" and Noah thought that was the coolest thing!
Pictures of my cute cute cute 5 month old in a bit
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