2003-12-08 ~ 11:59 a.m.
Decorating Pics
Well since I didn't much care for the ornament I got for Chase guess what I did?? I ordered one from halmark today! lol It should be here next week! YAY
Its cute cute cute! YAY. I feel better about his ornament now. Have you noticed I never spell ornament right and spell it different every time I type it?? lol I serisouly just can't spell the dang word.
Off topic for a minute there, here are some pictures from Chase this weekend

This ornament is cute. It came with his babys first stocking. I like this one

His stocking! :) YAY

The ornament I bought him because I couldn't find antyhing. I don't like this one. It will be replaced! lol

Isn't that just the cutest face? He is precious! :)

ating his ornament! :) hehe

Chase and Noah with Santa Hats on. (Jaidyn wouldn't sit with them! ugh)

Just a cute picture

Chewing on his teething ring

Playing with an Avent Sippy Cup!
Anyway I have new pictures from today but too lazy to up load those too! Skip on over to Noah and Jaidyns site in about 5 minutes and I will have their pictures up too!! I am heading there now..
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