2004-01-06 ~ 8:39 a.m.
Thanks Elisha and lol on the fruit holder bags you bought instead of the fruit holder! lol sounds like something I would do!
Chase went to sleep between 8:30-9 oclock last night! YAY I am trying to make this a new habit. I need a little time at night to get caught up on stuff and with our old schedule (his of course) I couoldn'tn get anythign done because mr cranky would fight sleep.
So last night the second he acted tired, I nursed him and he nursed until he started to fall to sleep, then he started fighting it . So I walked with him a bit and he went right on to sleep. Then I sat with him and rocked until I knew he was asleep and then I laid him in the pack n play in our room.
He slept until 10:30 in there and woke to finish nursing. I nursed him and we were asleep by 10:45 I believe it was and he slept all night until around 6:30. He got up nursed, played and by 8 was back to sleep for a nap! YAY
He is actually sleepoimng well for a change! lol
I of course watch him and see his pattern. I don't believe in strict schedules for babies, so yeah its lead by him but up until today he has been only taking 1 nap a day nad it hasn't been long enough and he has been SUPER cranky and not going to bed until really late!
Anyway I have a video of Chase crawling. I would love to show you guys but I need to find somewhere to upload it to first!!
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