2004-02-03 ~ 6:45 a.m.
so much
Thanks Elisha! :) I love that picture of him too!
Yeah I wish we did live closer so we could take turns helping out with the boys so we could get things done! Crazy kids! :) I bet they would have fun playing though since they aren't too far apart in age...
Chase had another day of not napping. I have no clue why he got into this phase. I hope it passes soon. He gets so cranky and nothing works to calm him down. I walk him, rock him, nurse him, pat him, lay with him, sit with me. Just nothing is helping he sleep or helping in stay in a better mood.
Dang stomach bug we all had last week as totally messed up my sweet always happy baby boy!!
Oh something cute he did. Jaidyn got a little kids sized carebear couch for her birthday and Chase climbed up onto it and was standing on it to reach a toy! hehe. Silly boy! He can get into so much already!
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