2004-02-13 ~ 6:25 a.m.
Reply to GB entries
Thanks Jen, Meg and Alice for your guestbook entries!
Jen, I know it seems like he was just born! Where the heck did my baby go?? He will be 8 months old in exactly 1 week from today! whaaa Oh and that is a rug we got for the living room! :) Nice change for the nasty brown carpet huh?? lol That is too funny you look at the pictures enough to notice that!
Alice, that is so funny you had a dream about us! hehe My last name does start with an L so you were doing well! :) I fell loved that someone dreamed about me who doesn't know me in person! :) lol I had to laugh about the cracker in his mouth with scout picture too! lol They were so cute, which is why I took the picture before I took the cracker from him! lol
Meg, thanks about his little legs! Yeah Scout has him moments normally he won't let Jaidyn do that too him, but he was feeling nice I guess! lol She thought it was the funniest thing
He is a great and smiling happy baby! I couldn't ask for much more./ Other then the sleep thing, BUT one day he will be big and sleeping in his own bed away from me and I will miss him. As for the naps, I do wish he would take them. Mostly because he needs them but I am learning to live with a non sleeper!!!
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