About Chase Born: 6
-20-03 Age: 2 Years Stats:
25 lbs
36 inches Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister. Dislikes: being told no.
Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.
2004-02-23 ~ 1:45 p.m.
short update
Its been a couple days since I updated. Nothing new in Chase land. He has taken a good nap both yesterday and today. I think mostly because I have been laying with him. I am not feeling too well so I haven't felt like being on here much.
Anyway Chase is good. Just as cute as every and into everything! :)