2004-03-01 ~ 1:28 p.m.
crazy boy
Chase is crazy. He is. He is crawling around following Jaidyn and sticking his tongue out! Silly Silly boy!
You should see this kid crawl! He is FAST! lol He also cruising the couch fairly quickly now too! lol
Here are a few pictures of him standing:

I love this picture. He looks like he is just going to take off and walk!

I put my hand out on this one and called his name he turned and was about to reach for it, but decided not to! lol

His favorite thing, getting the phone!!

Reading a book

He turned to see what was on the tv on this one.

He has now learned to fake a smile! lol

His cute little baby face!

Another fake smile

Him in his highchair. I love the look on his face! lol

"Are you talking to me?"

This one is blurry but its so him. He has this thing about sticking his tongue out at everyone! lol
Sorry for overloading you guys on pictures again. BUT I love showing him off. He is so cute.
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