2004-03-12 ~ 9:20 a.m.
Chase has a baby cousin
Chase has a baby cousin!! His little cousin Darrian Cole was born at 4:14 am and Chase's mommy got to be there and see the whole thing! Darrian was 9 lbs 7 oz and 21 1.2 inches long! BIG BOY!! He is a sweet thing though!!
THe problem Chase has his with baby cousin alreayd you ask? that mommy was gone from 8:30 last night until 5:10 this morning to be with my sister while she had to baby. I nursed him before I left, and left him some more milk, but yeah he won't touch a bottle or a cup for anything! lol Just likes his milk fresh from the tap... from mommy! :)
BUt Brian said he did good and only woke a couple times and got upset and cried for "mama" I hate that he got upset even if it was just for a couple minutes at a time, but my sister needed me, and wow watching someone give birth is excited stressful all at once. I wanted so badly to do something to make her pain go away but there was nothing I could do.
I have a whole new respect for the role Brian has played in my births and how he has always been there for me during them and such!! Because last night I was in that role and it wasn't easy either!! lol
But yeah Chase won't meet his cousin darrian until she comes home on Saturday but you can be sure I will let you know how it goes.
I need to try and get Chase Man to sleep for a nap. Mommy needs to lay down without too much to do right now. No sleep all night results in a tired mommy
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