About Chase Born: 6
-20-03 Age: 2 Years Stats:
25 lbs
36 inches Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister. Dislikes: being told no.
Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.
2004-03-23 ~ 12:08 p.m.
Teeth soon & Pics
Chase was up A LOT last night. He is TEETHING BADLY!! He has two trying to come in on the bottom. His first two teeth! Cool. They should be in soon and you know I will let you know when!! :)
Chase went over to Donna's house. She is the lady who watches my kids every now and again for us. Anyway she watched him while I spent a little time with Jaidyn. He had fun playing with another baby who is 16 months old and one who is 12 months old! :) Jaidyn and I came home and cleaned the house and played!! He was only over there for 2 hours, but he will be going over once a week for 2 hours so I have some time with Jaidyn! Should be fun to have time with just her, but I can tell you I MISS Chase like crazy those two hours. I hate not being with him.
He took a couple more steps yesterday and let go!! He won't do it often just once here or there and never when I have the dang camera and he has to know that his mommy is a picture nut and needs to get a picture! lol
Okay picture time yes??
Chase meeting Darrian for the first time a little over a week ago
Just a cute picture of his cute little face! :)
All three kids on St Patrick's Day! :)
Climbing up on the dishwasher
And of course he made it on the dishwasher! lol CRAZY KID!!!!
Pretty Smile. Man I love this kid so much! Look how precious that smile is?? :)
Chase and Me at my sisters
My moms 9 grandchildren all together!! Top: TJ (8), Jonathon (14) holding Chase (9months), Nick (8) Bottom: Noah (5), Jaidyn (3), Taylor (6) holding Darrian (1 week), Zach (7)
Jonathon, Nick and Zach are all my oldest sister Shelly's boys. TJ, Taylor and Darrian of my sister, Jody, who lives near me's kids and you know mine! :)
Me and the kids at my sisters. It was taken right after the one of all the kids! :)
This last one is of Darrian, Chase's younger cousin!! Isn't he precious??