2004-03-31 ~ 3:59 p.m.
9 month pics
I got Chase's 9 month pictures today! :) YAY They aren't easter pics. Just decided not to worry about themes in the pictures right now. I have an idea for easter pictures for the kids here at the house I can do of them!! W ewill see how those come out.
Anyway my suster and I were at walmart so I decided to try out their photo studio since I had never used them before. The pictures are okay. Not great but I like them because of course Chase is adorable!
This is the first pose so it was the package picture. It is cute though! :)

The second picture, pretty much the same as the first! lol :)

THe 3rd picture. I LOVE this one! :)

The fourth picture. I love the suffed frog in this one with him! :) lol

The 5th picture. I love love love this one! My cutie little bath boy! :)
These next two I don't care myuch for. I wasn't sure what she meant by angel picture so I let her set it up. I should have suggested something else. THey are cute but not exactly my favorites!!

The last picture that was taken. I LOVE his smile in this one

My least favorite picture. I turned it black and white when I resized it on here because I like it better in b&w
I wopuld have liked one with the sports theme background but yeah that is okay. For his 1 year pictures I plan to take him to a real photo studio. The same one who did his pics at 2 weeks old! :) I LOVE them!
Anyway they came out cute for unplanned pictures!!
He is still trying to walk all over the place! Silly boy!! In a bit we are going to my sisters to see my dad and his wife so Chase will get to play with his cousins, his Papa and such! He wil,l like that. I need to go get them ready to go!!
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