2004-03-31 ~ 6:24 a.m.
steps, steps and more steps
We had NOah's tee ball practice game last night and Chase showed off to all the other parents. He would take several steps from here to there. I think he took up to 6-8 at one time before falling. He refused to crawl unless he couldn't pull up on something to stand up and then let go and walk!!
I have a feeling I am going to have a 9 month old who is walking regularly within a couple weeks. He thinks its funny to stnad not holding on and to try and walk!! The other moms at the tee ball game thought he was adorable (he was the youngest kid there watching! lol) And kept asking how old he was!!
I looked in Jaidyn and Noah's baby books. At 9 months noah was 23 lbs and 29 1/4 inches tall so he was 3 lbs heavier and 1/2 inch shorter then Chase! lol Jaidyn's I didn't have 9 months written in, but she was 29 1/2 inches tall and 23 lbs at a year. SO Chase is already taller then she was at a year! The doc did say yesterday he was going to be a tall kid!! :)

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