2004-04-19 ~ 6:39 a.m.
almost 10 months
Do you guys realize Chase will be 10 months old tomorrow?
10 months. WOW it goes so fast. So very very very fast.
Sometimes I want to slow it way down and keep him a baby for forever. And sometimes I love that he is getting bigger and learning things.
I love the look on his face when he is trying to figure out something. The little smirk he gives me before the big smile spreads across his face. That one little dimple he has on his right cheek, just like his daddy's.
I can't believe al lthe kid can do either!! He walks so well now! He now rarely crawls. Brian surprised himself yesterday by being surprised when Chase crawled to him because we aren't used to seeing him crawl this last week and a half since he really learned to walk!
He will now just stand in the middle of the floor go back down pixck up something, and back to standing and then off he walks with toy in his hand! He is amazing sometimes
Still waiting on a tooth. He walks, he climbs, but he has no teeth! lol Silly baby. He is working on one tooth though that I can feel trying to come through. Its just taking it months to come in! Poor baby!
He isn't napping well lately again. Which is bad because he has gotten super cranky here lately!! He sleeps well at night but with no naps he is super fussy by the afternoons.
Anyway more tomorrow or later on my little man, I have a shower I need to take before I ahve to get Noah up for school...
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