2004-04-27 ~ 11:53 a.m.
Hi Grandma! :)
(from Chase to my mom who has this web address now)
Anyway Chase went to my friend Donna's for a couple hours today while I spent some time with Jaidyn and cleaned the house (and talked to my mom on the phone lol)
Anyway he did wonderful. Its the first time I have left him anywhere (which I don't do often) and he hasnt' cried when I left or got upset at all during the time I was gone! YAY
He just walked all over playing with the other babies Donna watches. She has Jackson who is 18 months, Elena who is 13 months, Lexi who is 11 months and then had Chase who of course is 9 months. Her hands were full, but Donna is so great with them all.
She loves kids! :) Jackson and Elena she has all 5 days of the work week. She used to have a little 2 year old ellen but her family moved. Lexi she just has until next week!
Anyway so Chase played with kids his age which I think he enjoys! He goes right up to them now and just talks to them. We go visit donna often! :) (her hubby works with Brian and her kids are 21 and 18 years old but we get along sooooo well! lol)
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