2004-05-05 ~ 6:36 a.m.
update and pics
All is good here. Chase hasn't been sleeping well at night at all. He is waking up a lot. He will nurse for a minute or two and then cry. I believe its his teething because I can see the tip of a bottom tooth! WHen it breaks all the way through I believe things will go back to normal!:)
I can't wait for iot to come through! He is still toothless as of now and I would love for him to get a tooth before a year old!
Anyway he has been playing a lot with his daddy here lately. He likes to rough house with daddy like the other kids do. He is funny because he will follow brian around and yell "Da Da" or "Da Dee" until Brian picks him up pr plays with him! :)
He calls Noah "Bubba" all the time now! Its too cute. He doesn't call Jaidyn anything yet, but her name is hard and we don't have any real nick name for her that is easier to say then Jaidyn! :) Jaidyn calls Noah bubba so that is where Chase got that. He also says Mama and ball now too! He loves balls. He will pick one up through it and then go get it and do it again! lol So cute!
Anyway a few pictures for you viewing pleasure:

Sitting on the floor

Daddy let him play in the water outside...

WIth Jaidyn's balloon

Picking up the balloon
img src=http://img41.photobucket.com/albums/v125/mamarobbi/jaja5.jpg>
His back. Its not a face shot but I like it! :)

Taking apart the letter mat thingy

Playing with Jaidyn

Another with the balloon

Playing IN the kids toy box!!!
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