2004-09-09 ~ 6:31 p.m.
Chase's Room Pics
We got Chase's room all fixed up! Its the only room in the house COMPLETELY done! :) (well the ALL the kids rooms are done completely now since I left this up and went to work on them!)
Here are some pictures for you!!

Chase's bed, his shelf thingy, and some toys. This was taken from his closet.

From his door way looking into his room at the corner.

His toys from the door looking straight in pretty much

His toys

In this one you can see the big window in his room

This is his Taggie blanket with his name on it. He never liked it but we hung it on the wall since it had his name! lol
Go to Noah and Jaidyn's site (in the links on the side) for pictures of Noah and Jaidyn's rooms!!
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