2004-09-17 ~ 5:30 p.m.
Very Well
All is well in Chase Man Land!
He is doing so well! He really is.
He had his fever but since that went away he has been so happy and good! :) Well he is always good, but you know what I mean!
He loves to say uh oh all the time now. So cute. Over and over he says it if something falls or he drops something until he fixes it or picks it back up! TOO cute.
I love watching him learn new things and the time we have together alone with the other two at school is great too. I get to focus all my attention on him for a bit.
The last two mornings we have went to the store and then came back to the house and played or he sat in my lap when I was playing on her or rocked in the rocking chair watching tv together (okay I watched and he played in my lap./ He has no interest in tv at all)
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