2004-10-11 ~ 6:54 a.m.
Chase Updates
I haven't updated much here on Chase in the last couple weeks. Sorry!
Its been busy. But Chase is doing WONDERFUL.
Saturday he got to play with an 11 month old which was neat because he isn't around many younger babies! :) We had a huge get together and it was just fun to have lots of kids and other adults around!!
For the last week he has been sleeping in his bed more and more. Brian rocks him to sleep and then lays him in bed. He sleeps for 2-4 hours before he wakes up and then Bri will go sit with him for about 10 minutes and he is back to sleep!
Then he will sleep about 4-6 hours and I will go in with him and sit and he goes right back to sleep.
He has actually started sleeping better since being in his bed. I guess Bri was right and it was just time for him to be in his own bed. I wanted him in our bed still but he was waking 4-5 times a night in our bed, and now only 2 times he wakes up and he is MUCH easier to get back to sleep at night now.
What else can I tell you?
Lets see I weighted him the other day and he is 22 lbs and 32 inches tall. He is so small compared to the other two at his age! Noah was 23 lbs on his 1st birthday! Jaidyn was 22 lbs on her first birthdya! lol Both about 25-26 at 18 months. Chase has been about 20-23 lbs this whole time!
He wears 12-18 months shirts. 12 month pants fit him very well. He has some 18 month or 18-24 month shirts but theuy are kind of big on him. His shoes are a 6.
He still is always happy! Always grinning for me! Its so sweet! He has a temper and throws fits when he doesn't get what he wants now too though. Normal thing though since he can't always find a way to tell us what he wants/needs.
He is conintued to talk more and more each day! He follows simple directions and understands a lot of things we tell him. He loves his brother and sister more then anything and is super happy to have Jaidyn here all day to play with him again! :)
Anyway I need to go but just wanted to drop in and let ya know how my little guy was doing!
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