2004-11-12 ~ 7:49 p.m.
Kisses, diapers and such
Congrats to Alice and welcome to the world little Arthur from Chase and his mommy!! We are so happy for you!!
Chase Man has decided he wants to be a nudist. lol He takes off his shirts. He takes off his pants. He takes off his diaper. All the time.
Crazy. Kid.
Today he peed on the floor twice. Yay right? NOT
Then he climbed into Jaidyn's bottom dresser drawer and pee'd in it. YAY NOT! lol THankfully there was nothing in that drawer. It was empty.
He is crazy. He gives so many kisses and hugs now. He likes open mouth on the mouth kisses. A little gross but still sweet and cute none the less.
He was pointing to my eyes saying "eyes" over and over again tonight. He likes eyes for some reason!! lol
Anyway I love love love my boy. Can you tell?
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