2005-01-10 ~ 9:08 a.m.
talking & stairs
Little Man is good. Talking more and more every day. He has cute 3 of his 4 molars since Thanksgiving and is working on the 4th. Poor guy.
He hasn't been sleeping too well lately, probably because all the teething!
He is talking more and more daily. I love it.
This morning I was talking to Jaidyn about brian and chase said "Daddy?" and I told him Daddy was at work and he says "Daddy at work" so cute!
He is funny! When he wants a toy from his room upstairs in the living room, he throws it down the stairs then walks down after it! lol He walks up and down the stairs all the time now. He used to walk up and down them when he was taking his time , and then kind of crawl up or down them to get up or down fast, but now its always walking and he is fast! lol
Anyway he is a great kid. Can you believe he is 18 months old? Almost 19 months? Crazy huh?
And my baby is going to be a big brother in August. That just amazes me!
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