2005-01-24 ~ 6:48 a.m.
On & off
Chase is feeling lots better now. Still a cough here or there, but mostly he is all better.
He is saying "on" & "off" when we turnon or off the lights in a room. Its so cute. Though he gets them backwards alot but he is trying.
Big news is he stayed with a babysitter on Saturday for a few hours and did great. And our friend just laid him in bed and he went right on to sleep by himself and slept in his bed until 4 am that morning.
Well I tried it last night too. At 9 I put him in bed, tucked him in, said his prayers and tucked him in and then went downstairs. 20 minutes later I went up to check on him (normally he would have come downstairs to find me) and he was sound to sleep.
He didn't wake until 4 when he came to our room (which is fine because Bri gets up at 4:30 and that always wakes him up unless he is right next to me anyway)
So sleeping is getting a lot better! YAY.
Last night Brian went to the gas station for gas of course! lol and came back with ice cream and these orange sherbert push up things for the kids. Chase LOVED it. It took him forever to eat it because he would just lick at it! lol It was TOO cute! I have picturees I will have to post later of him eating it
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