2005-01-26 ~ 7:34 a.m.
Funny Boy
3 nights he went to sleep easily. We put him in bed, said night night and left. 20 moinutes later he was asleep.
Last night we spent 2 hours putting him back into his bed. lol
He is so dang unpredictable. He always has been. He has never stuck with anything longer then a couple days in any form of nap time or bed time.
Crazy boy. He now knocks on the table and says "Knock Knock" hehe. Too cute. And he picks up my phone and says "Hi" then he pauses and says "Yeah" hehe.
I love the little turkey.
He says HI to everyone in the stores. He is just NUTS I tell ya!
Here are the the pics I told you about with him eating the push up sherert thingy:

He has an evil grin I tell ya! lol

Yes ther eis anhuge bruise on his head in them. Ove rthe weekend he fell trying to climb on Noah's bunk beds and hit his head :( Poor guy
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