2005-02-28 ~ 10:16 a.m.
Chase is doing good.
A little clingy & cranky lately.
But he is teething (two teeth on the bottom coming in.) & I know he is sencing things are changing around here.
We are always so busy. Getting things done and ready to go.
Poor guy.
He hasn't slept well in two days but one of those teeth hasn't broke through yet. Once it does sleeping will get better. Well it might not because we will be moving in a matter of day.
He climbs on Noah's bunk beds very well now. Climbs up just the way Noah does. Brian says he is going to be climbing trees before we know it. lol The kid is a climber.
Anyway I need to clean, just wanted to drop in and update just uncase I don't get around to it again until next week!
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