2005-04-10 ~ 7:58 p.m.
Check Up Appt & more
I haven't updated in a long long time. Sorry.
Chase is good. Talking so much & getting just so big. In just a few short months he will turn 2!! wow. It goes by way too fast.
Anyway he had a late 18 month appt last week. He is about 23 lbs and 34 inches tall. He is a tad under weight they said, but he eats just fine so I am so not worried about that.
He got a couple shots which he hated, but other wise he looks great.
Jaidyn had her 4 year check up too. Normally I would write about that in her journal but I wanted to in here too before I forget. She got her last shots and she is doing great. I don't remember her weight and heigth at all though.
Brian is on his way to texas. He and his brother started on the way here this morning but are hitting lots of nasty weather so its slow going. Hopefully they will make it here by eartly afternoon tomorrow, if they are lucky. They didn't know how much they would drive today.
Anyway Chase busted his lip today falling down stairs. Poor baby. It cute his lip pretty good. :( He is a trooper though.
Its funny because he says Darrian, Taylor, TJ, Jaidyn & Noah's names all the time now! He is awesome. He is just the coolest almost 2 year old! :)
He has the cutest haircut. I will have to show you pictures soon. Yep.
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