2005-09-07 ~ 12:14 p.m.
My little monster. I swear he is. He is always growling and chasing everyone! lol He loves to play monster. He and Bri growl at each other all the time. Its too cute.
He has really gotten better about playing alone since the older kids are both in school during the day. He stick to me for awhile, talks to Hailey for awhile and then gets bored and finds something else to play with. lol He likes cars & his fake lawn mowers (he has a bubble mower and a talking mower).
Brian and I laugh because he has such an odd accent. Like for hot he says it like this " height" lol And he tends to get so into talking fast that all his word runs together or he leaves off parts of them. When he slows down he says them just fine. Its just he gets too excited. Of course when he talks in his growl voice or his high pitched screaming voice its hard hard t understand him!
He loves to help with such. He holds the dust pan for me when I sweep. He puts the forks and spoons up when we empty the dishwasher. He helps put the clothes in the dryer in the basket so we can fold them. He is just a good good helper.
He still always wants to be outside. ALWAYS! lol
Here are a few pictures from yesterday & our trip to the park the other day:

Not a great picture but you can ee how he climbed up that park of the toy!

Older ~ Newer