2005-10-16 ~ 10:35 a.m.
Funny Comments & Ninja Pics
Chase takes up for people whihc is really cute sometimes. If someone takes a toy from another person, he will go take it and give it back to the person who had it first. He is all for being fair, unless its him that wants the toy! lol
He has gotten to be a bully here lately. He will hit the other kids if thye make him made. We are working on getting that to stop, but its taking awhile to get it through to him.
He loves to kiss Hailey on the head and lay down on the floor and play with her too. He can be so sweet.
Brian was fixing our washer the other day and Chase ran up to me and said "mommy, come on" and held his arm out to take me into the laundry room. I went with him and he asked "See daddy do?" and I said yes, daddy is fixing it. "Daddy fix it mommy?", Yes daddy is fixing it Chase. "It goes there" he said pointing to where it normally sits. lol He was just amazed that it was moved and it was not all together! lol
Funny funny boy.
He is going to be a ninja like his big brother for halloween. We had a hard time finding a costume for him. the 2T-3T costumes were HUGE on him so we got the 12 month to 18 month one that fits great except its a little too short. that is okay. I have some black socks he can wear with it! lol

Tiny Ninja (he has a little read headband thing but I can't find what he did with it)

My ninja boys

Two ninjas & a princess! :)
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