2005-10-24 ~ 6:17 a.m.
Update & Pics
A mister chase entry! :)
Little man is doing well. He is bahaving a lot better these days! YAY. WHen we take Jaidyn to schoo, he isn't being wild and crazy now. he sits next to me and listens, etc. Its nice! YAY
He does and says the craziest things all the time. he is so funny.Brian and I always say how entertaining he is!!
Yesterday he took a daiper to Brian and said "Daddy, I need diaper change" hehe. Too funny. He gooes in the potty about half the time if I ask him or if he just decides he wants to. I really should get more into asking him, I think he is ready, just needs a litle bit of me asking him if he needs to go you know>?

He was the first of the kids to want to climb up the deer stand with Brian. This kid is scared of nothing!


in his car

Kids playing outside
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