2005-11-06 ~ 8:08 p.m.
Camping Trip
Alice thank you for your note! :) I will reply more tomorrow about his behavor and such when I have more time!
This weekend was great. He was so good. Listened 90% of the time, etc. It was amazing after that post I made on Friday.

We headed out friday evening and got to the camp site about 45 minutes later. We made a camp fire, ate dinner, talked, etc. Kids slept great.
Saturday the kids and woke when all the guys were off hunting. Got everyone fed, dressed, and we all played. Then everyone was back for severla hours and we all had a good time. Guys all went hunting that evening, but when they came back we had a great dinner. Lots of good food. Talking, playing, etc.
We got home at noon today, everyone showered and have just had a good playing day.

Chase was awesome all weekend. I mean really. He had a few cranky moments but its hard out in the woods!! lol He played, found bugs, walked through the woods, rode a four wheeler, and played tag with the other kids with a flashlight.
See more pictures and such in Hailey's jorunal and the older kids journal as well
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