2005-11-17 ~ 7:03 a.m.
getting better
Chase has been getting better here lately! whoo hoo. Listening better, etc.
Still has his tandrums and still has his moments at times, but not too bad anymore. thank goodness.
He is so so cute. He is always telling me "Kiss my head" lol and he bows down his head for me to kiss it.

He has a cold right now and runny nose. Poor buddy. He is always asking me to clean his nose, which seems to oddbecause I remembe rmy other kids hated it when I kept having to wipe their noses etc.
His bike broke so he is upset. He loves that thing. Its a 10 inch bike with training wheels. I think santa is going to bring him a new one. What is funny is we were watching him ride it the day before it broke and the training wheels barely hit the ground. He balances the bike well. I think he will be riding without training wheels at 3. Jaidyn still has her training wheels on her bike. Noah learned last summer to ride his without them.

We are kind of working on the potty thing. If you know me you knwo I don't believe in pressuring them. If he wants to use it we do. If not I don't push it. I do ask every now anda gain if he wants to use the potty and he gets exciyted and wants to try. He will sit there and strain to try and make himself go. hehe. Silly boy.

He now tells me to "be careful" and "Your in trouble" lol He tells on Brian to me "Mommy, daddy is mean" when Brian tells him no or gets on to him. So funny and cute.

He and Noah like to wrestle a lot these days. They are too cute together. I love watching my kids all play together and such

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