2003-10-21 ~ 7:59 a.m.
a year ago
A year ago today I took a home pregnancy test. A year ago today I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant with my precious little boy.
1 year ago today I cried because I was happy, excited and terrified all at once.
WOW its been a year since the day I found out I was pregnant with my little man!!
Here is my first entry I ever wrote in this diary: HERE
And Now here he is in sleeping my big 4 month old! WOW. Time does fly right on by guys.

Chase playing with his foot

He now kicks his toy bar on his bouncer with his FEET! lol

Sleeping! :) Isn't he sweet??

Playign with his rings
So yeah here is my big boy, that a year ago today I was just learning about. That a year ago today I began to care for while he grew inside of me...
WOW time flies...
LAst night Chase went to sleep at 9:30 and slept until 5:30 this morning. He never woke up to nurse or anything! YAY He is a great baby! Brian is LOVING it now that he is getting bigger. He grins, giggles and likes to be played with! Brian likes to watch him kick his toy bar with his feet (something he just started doing yesterday) and roll over. And yesterday Brian was laughing at Chase because he was sitting on my lap just grinning, laughing, and talking while I was reading with Noah! lol
Oh and Thanks to all those that signed the guestbook over the last couple days! :) and Jenn Things, but I didn't make this layout for once! I got it from the link on the sidebar! :)
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