Birth to 1 month 3rd Tri 2nd Tri 1st Trip
2003-06-19 - dr appt later2003-06-18 - good moods are good2003-06-18 - 38 weeks 2 days2003-06-17 - cramps2003-06-17 - 38 weeks 1 day2003-06-16 - 38 week belly pic2003-06-16 - some stuff2003-06-16 - 38 weeks2003-06-15 - nothing exciting2003-06-14 - reading...2003-06-14 - better2003-06-14 - sick2003-06-13 - Very very blessed2003-06-13 - predicting2003-06-12 - tired and going to bed2003-06-12 - 37.5 week appt2003-06-11 - Progression2003-06-11 - 37 weeks 2 days & no sleep2003-06-10 - Relaxing and guessing game2003-06-10 - better day2003-06-09 - thanks and belly picture2003-06-09 - 37 weeks2003-06-08 - almost 37 weeks2003-06-07 - 36 weeks 5 days2003-06-06 - Baby Rambles2003-06-05 - My 36.5 week appt2003-06-05 - Is it time yet?? whaa2003-06-04 - babies2003-06-03 - Baby Project~2003-06-03 - spending time2003-06-02 - a new belly pic2003-06-02 - 36 weeks!!2003-06-01 - Sunday :)2003-06-01 - almost 36 weeks2003-05-31 - 35 weeks 5 days and coutning2003-05-30 - 35 weeks 4 datys2003-05-29 - 35.5 week appt2003-05-29 - I have...2003-05-28 - baby baby baby2003-05-27 - 35 week belly2003-05-27 - crampy2003-05-27 - whaaa2003-05-26 - 35 wks and the zoo2003-05-26 - 35 weeks2003-05-25 - tomorrow2003-05-24 - Can't wait2003-05-23 - My dream, my vent & my baby2003-05-22 - No complaining2003-05-22 - Some sleep2003-05-21 - No sleep2003-05-21 - awake2003-05-20 - Swelling2003-05-19 - Belly Shot from today!2003-05-19 - 34 weeks!2003-05-18 - swollen2003-05-16 - lol at Ais & more2003-05-15 - 33 week appt!2003-05-14 - sleeping???2003-05-13 - nesting2003-05-13 - Back to bed2003-05-12 - 33 week belly pics! :)2003-05-12 - 33 weeks2003-05-11 - Tomorrow2003-05-10 - home2003-05-07 - going toi2003-05-06 - wiggle worm2003-05-05 - 32 weeks2003-05-03 - my 3 hour test2003-05-02 - getting ready and belly pic2003-05-02 - so different2003-05-01 - 31.5 weeks appt2003-04-30 - lookie2003-04-30 - dr appt tomorrow2003-04-28 - 31 weeks2003-04-26 - ugh missing pics2003-04-26 - not much to2003-04-25 - impatient2003-04-24 - need more patience2003-04-24 - reassure me2003-04-24 - movementxc2003-04-24 - movementxc2003-04-23 - Questions & can't wait2003-04-23 - getting ready2003-04-22 - new belly pic2003-04-22 - sometimes2003-04-21 - 30 WEEKS!!!2003-04-20 - still around2003-04-18 - my throat2003-04-17 - My 29.5 week appt2003-04-17 - Rambling2003-04-16 - my belly pics finally2003-04-16 - feeling better today2003-04-15 - Gluclose test2003-04-14 - 29 weeks today!2003-04-13 - Almsot...2003-04-12 - just saturday2003-04-11 - More or less rambling2003-04-10 - I feel speical2003-04-09 - dreams and such2003-04-08 - baby clothes, and getting closer2003-04-07 - 28 weeks!!! 3rd trimester2003-02-24 - 22 Weeks Today!!!!2003-02-23 - is it july yet???2003-02-22 - shopping2003-02-22 - boring2002-09-21 - my time2003-02-20 - shopping soon2003-02-19 - need more shirts...2003-02-18 - Its amazing2003-02-18 - nothing really2003-02-18 - watching my belly2003-02-17 - Noah & Jaidyn Feeling Nibbles2003-02-17 - 21 weeks2003-02-16 - his name...2003-02-15 - sharing the movement2003-02-14 - Maybe a name2003-02-13 - Enjoying Pregnancy2003-02-13 - I love you...2003-02-12 - names and not boring2003-02-11 - Our BOY2002-02-10 - Nibblets a......2003-02-10 - Half Way Mark & U/S Today2003-02-10 - Half Way Mark & U/S Today2003-02-09 - Mixed emotions2003-02-09 - Mixed emotions2003-02-09 - go guess2003-02-08 - enjoying nibblet2003-02-07 - almost..2003-02-06 - tired and movement2003-02-05 - still not much2003-02-05 - movement2003-02-04 - just weird2003-02-03 - 19 weeks2003-02-01 - belly pics and feeling nibblet2003-02-01 - sad2003-01-31 - 1.5 weeks until u/s2003-01-30 - All fixed2003-01-30 - U/S Pictures!2003-01-30 - New Layout UGH2003-01-30 - 18.5 weeks2003-01-29 - Back & 18 weeks2003-01-24 - stress2003-01-22 - Going crazy2003-01-21 - sigh...2003-01-20 - 17 weeks2003-01-19 - PAssing Out2003-01-18 - Mostly non baby stuff2003-01-17 - Not feeling well2003-01-16 - Worried for nothing2003-01-15 - Feeling Nibblet2003-01-14 - JAidyn and the baby2003-01-13 - My appt & U/S2003-01-13 - 16 weeks2003-01-12 - Tomorrow...2003-01-10 - "he" or not2003-01-09 - getting bigger2003-01-08 - First Onesie and Survery thingy2003-01-07 - Dr appt made2003-01-06 - 15 weeks2003-01-04 - big brother and sister2003-01-04 - almost 15 weeks2003-01-03 - a little of everything2003-01-02 - 14.5 weeks!2002-12-31 - Updated2002-12-31 - names....2002-12-30 - 14 weeks! :)2002-12-29 - Dr appt and update2002-12-26 - Dr appt tomorrow and my daddy2002-12-23 - 13 weeks